Having a spiffy new website is nice and all that, but we know that you guys mostly care about getting new pages. I've gotten a lot of questions about how the comic is made, so I decided to blog about our progress so that people can see what we're currently working on - how we go about it - and what still needs to be done.
Chapter two checklist:- Story: Rerouting plot outlines (in progress).
- Story: Rewrite script chapter 2 (in progress).
- Design: Update designs to match changes in plot.
- Design: Brokers Vale mystery location 1.
- Design: Brokers Vale mystery location 2.
- Design: Brokers Vale overall feel.
- Comic: Roughs scene 1 chapter 2.
Writing Spindrift has really been a collaborative effort so far. I've had the outlines of this story in my head for a long time, but I'm no writer and I won't pretend to be one. I like making pretty pictures, pictures that tell stories, sure. But, words? I'm no good with words. So you can imagine my joy when a talented writer (Charlotte) agreed to help me out with this crazy project I had planned. I feel a little guilty now, because I think - back then- I had the illusion that the whole thing could be told in about 100 pages or so and that I was able to draw two pages a week. In my original pitch I honestly believed the project would take about a year. Haha, myeah. Not quite.
I pitched my story, and with Charlotte's help a lot of revisions and improvements were made, before we actually went to scripting. Then for the script, usually I write down some assorted idea's for each scene (dialogue written by me is referred to as herpaderpadialoge) and Charlotte works her magic on it, turning it into well written lines. Trust me when I say that without her help Spindrift wouldn't be half as enjoyable (and grammatically correct) as it is.
Background info, character motivations, scripts, notes, and so on.
We've had the outlines of the story sorted out from the get-go. Based on those plot outlines we're writing the script for the comic one chapter at the time. By now you might be wondering - why is it that we are we currently working on the plot outlines again?
The answer is simple. They were written about 2 years ago. In those two years, the story and it's characters evolved and so did we as creators. I started writing the first draft of the script for the upcoming chapter in good hopes, but I soon found myself struggling with some aspects (sorry I've to be vague here, because of spoilers). Thankfully Charlotte called a timeout and we agreed to go back to the 'drawing board' to fix that what needed fixing.
We've been brainstorming, and a new route is being planned out. It's going to lead us in same direction and to the same destination as before - but we've found a more interesting route to get there.
-Elsa Kroese