March 4, 2019

Heyhoi to all! I'm back again with an other page. This posting-uploads streak is making me so happy, I am beaming about it ^__^.

Let me start by thanking you for the heartwarming comments on the page notes of the previous page. I know it was personal and wall of text, and I deeply appreciate that so many of you took the time to read it. <3

February was pretty good, everything considered, I did lots of drawing, exercise (seriously, my legs are wooden after 5 hours of intensive sports last weekend XD) I ate all the healthy foods, shared some important moments with fam and friends and on top of all that I have started meditating a few minutes each day. WTH!!
I can't believe I got myself to try it either. IT's absolutely frustrating and difficult, but I'm sticking with it. There's a risk that I'm starting to sound a bit like a health freak after all that- don't worry: Once this page is posted I will balance everything out by devouring a box of cookies XD. (gevulde koeken you guys! If you ever visit the Netherlands, make sure you try them)

For my RSS followers: The mini comic doesn't show up in the standard feed. If you want to be notified when new pages go up you can add this rss feed to your reader and it will do the trick :D.

Finally, since I'm working on the comic full time these days, I'd like to ask you guys to consider supporting me on Patreon. My awesome supporters over there are the reason why I was able to take time off to heal, and then to get back to the comic and make this restart. I couldn't have done it without their support. As a Patron you get a bunch of extra content, sketches, previews of new pages, all the high fives and I'm working on adding more rewards in the future!

Enjoy the page, and see you next week with an other minicomic update!

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